Faith at the Crossroads seeks to equip young leaders who are ready to build and not tear down.

Faith at the Crossroads focuses on Peace-building and Reconciliation as the primary need in this present moment. We seek to form young adults to be leaders willing and able to transform the deep divisions in our nation and in their neighborhoods.  We practice reconciliation as an extension of our Chrisitan faith and recognize a process which involves healing, truth, and justice. Trinity Service Corps invites young adults who will respond to societal problems and conflicts beyond anger and resistance.

“Resistance is an example of gathering negative emotion…People can be against a tyrant or regime for many different reasons but they can come together nonetheless  to overthrow that tyrant or regime, Reconciliation, on the other hand, calls for organizing positive emotion-getting people to collaborate to build something new together.” - Robert Schriter

Throughout the year Fellows will work with the Rose Castle Foundation in England as well as other local peace-building organizations to learn ways of transforming conflict and building peace within our families, communities, and around the world.

Over the course of eleven months our fellows strive to be authentic and faith-rooted leaders.


Faith at the Crossroads is shaped by the New Monastic movement which seeks to learn from monastic practices in Christianity, past and present, and learn how we might live in the 21st Century and increasing divisions and complexity.

Our fellows live intentionally and follow a Rule of Life they create based on the 12 Habits of a Reconciler from the Rose Castle Foundation.


Faith at the Crossroads is an explicitly Christian program which invites young adults to bring their questions about the Christian tradition. We do not seek just one type of person but people at all places in their spiritual exploration who are willing to engage with the Christian Tradition. We invite young adults into the mystery of God’s presence by studying the Christian Mystics and experimenting with contemplative practices.


Howard Thurman, mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. and others in the civil rights movement wrote in his book Jesus and the Disinherited, “What does this religion have to say to the [person] living with their back against the wall?”

Over the course of the year we will explore this question with scholars, activists, and members of the Trinity Church Community. Fellows will leave the year with a deeper sense of how to connect their faith to the work of justice, liberation, and peace-building.


Fellows will gather regularly to reflect on their experience in their worksites, their community, as well as their time in Indiana. Fellows will gradually learn the theological reflection method which will allow them to begin to discern the movement of God in their lives and learn how to engage with life as a response to God’s love.